Even though some parents do not attend your coaching sessions:
Send them the weekly synopsis of each session;
Invite them to scheduled presentation meetings.
How should you invite involvement of parents into your coaching programs? After all they are key to your program’s ultimate success as well.
It is recommended, however that parents do not attend the normal coaching sessions. There are many reasons for this including the fact that you do want your participants to feel parental pressure during the sessions.
Here are two ways to involve the parents. After all it is they who are the ones who normally have decided to enrol their child in the coaching program.
1. Your weekly synopsis of each week’s session should be sent out to all parents.
After each session, summarize what occurred, who gave presentations, and what were the highlights of the session were, naming those who participated in various activities.
NOTE: As part of your ongoing marketing for your coaching, this synopsis should be sent out to all parents who have expressed interest, but not yet enrolled their children in a program.
2. You should arrange one or two sessions during the coaching program where the parents attend and see their children in action.
Such sessions are when the participants can show their parents some of their newly gained skills. A contest can be held with parents acting as judges as this involves the parents as well. It could also be a ‘potluck’ where each family brings something to share with the group.
The weekly synopsis and the session in which the parents attend to see their children in action, will enable you to inform the parents of their children’s progress. They will see what their children are learning and how they are developing the communication and leadership skills that are key to their future success.
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I look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.
Wishing you lots of love and laughter.
Fred Jones
Victoria, BC, Canada